‘Best Family Home over £1.5M’ winner at London Evening Standard New Homes Awards 2017.
The project involved the demolition of a 1960’s industrial building and formation of a 5 storey commercial building, and 8 new 4 storey residential townhouse units on a tight site in Ravenscourt Park. The site is approx 17m x 55m long, boarded on 3 sides by existing buildings. There is a common basement under both buildings, utilised as a car park under the residential building and an office space under the commercial building, and formed in RC. The basement perimeter is formed in sheet piles driven through the sand and gravels into the underlying clay strata. At ground floor level within the residential building, large continuous RC downstand beams provide the clear widths for parking, and support the ground floor slab and upper level loadbearing walls. The residential superstructure above ground floor level is formed using load bearing solid blockwork walls which support steel and engineered timber joist floors. Perimeter walls are cavity blockwork. Both walls act as shear walls in both directions to resist lateral loads, with windposts used to strengthen piers between large perimeter window openings. Vertical movement joints are typically at 5.2m c/c’s on party wall lines. Balconies to the front, and large storey height openings to the rear of each units are formed in structural steelwork supported off the RC ground floor slab. The commercial superstructure is an RC flat slab frame with a timber frame roof. The rear of the building steps in as the building progresses upwards and the edge of the RC floor plates reflect this.
Architect | OSEL Architecture |
Contractor | J.Coffey Construction LTD |
Contractor | J.Coffey Construction LTD |